27 January 2020
Visit our COVID HUB for all the latest training videos, support guides and wallcharts HEREFirst published 27/01/20. Last updated 16/04/21.
DISCLAIMER: Following developments online and in the press, regarding the effectiveness of disinfectants in treating COVID-19, we would just like to remind all users of our products, that under no circumstances should any Evans Vanodine product be ingested into the human body, either by injection or by swallowing. Our products are intended for use only by the methods outlined in our Product Information Sheets and Safety Data Sheets. Before using any of our products, please read the product label and safety data sheet and always adhere to health and safety instructions.
DISCLAIMER: Evans Vanodine has become aware of profiteering by businesses and individuals reselling our products, in particular, in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. Handsan, Evans 70% alcohol hand sanitiser, is being resold on websites such as Ebay and refilled into pack sizes which our business does not manufacture. Please be vigilant when purchasing Evans products and do so through a registered distributor, not general retail websites where the goods may be fakes and packaged unsuitably. Action will be taken against any resellers who persist in misusing and misrepresenting the Evans Vanodine brand, and potentially endangering our customers.
Following the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wuhan, you will find detailed guidance on the GOV.UK website:
The guidance outlines infection prevention and control advice for healthcare providers assessing possible cases of WN-CoV. It should be used in conjunction with local policies.
The guidance on the GOV.UK website will remain under review as further scientific information is published about WN-CoV.
Our chief microbiologist has put together a summary of the guidelines, along with our recommended products for surface disinfection and hand hygiene.
The identified Wuhan novel coronavirus (WN-CoV) belongs to a large family of viruses with some causing a less-severe disease, such as the common cold, and others causing a more-severe disease such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronaviruses.
Coronaviruses are mainly transmitted by large respiratory droplets and direct or indirect contact with infected secretions. They have also been detected in blood, faeces and urine and, under certain circumstances, airborne transmission is thought to have occurred from aerosolised respiratory secretions and faecal material.
Sensitivity to Disinfectants
Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses which means that they are sensitive to a wide range of disinfectants.
Environmental Decontamination
There is evidence for other coronaviruses of the potential for widespread contamination of patient rooms/environments, so effective cleaning and decontamination is vital.
Cleaning and decontamination should only be performed by staff trained in the use of the appropriate PPE and infection prevention and control procedures.
The advice from GOV.UK website is to follow cleaning with neutral detergent with a chlorine-based disinfectant, in the form of a solution at a minimum strength of 1,000ppm available chlorine. For areas where a chlorine based disinfectant is not suitable, you can use a product which is effcetive against enveloped viruses, at the recommended dilution rate and contact time, such as Safe Zone Plus, which is a ready to use (RTU) virucidal disinfectant. Other effective Evans products are listed in the tables below.
The main patient isolation room should be cleaned at least once a day, and following aerosol generating procedures or other potential contamination.
There should be more frequent cleaning of commonly used hand-touched surfaces and of anteroom/lobby areas (at least twice per day).
Dedicated or disposable equipment must be used for environmental decontamination. Reusable equipment must be decontaminated after use with a chlorine-based disinfectant as described above.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) and good infection prevention and control precautions are effective at minimising risk but can never eliminate it.
View our advice on Application of Disinfectants by Fogging
View our advice on Disinfecting Soft Furnishings
Hand Hygiene
This is essential before and after all patient contact, removal of protective clothing and decontamination of the environment.
Use soap and water to wash hands or an alcohol hand rub if hands are visibly clean.
It is not necessary to have a hygienic handwash product that is effective against viruses. The government guidelines do not specify a handwash product has to be virucidal. It is the physical action of washing hands that removes bacteria or viruses, if done correctly. Our recommendation is to always follow the guidelines HERE.
Rings (other than a plain smooth band), wrist watches and wrist jewellery must not be worn by staff involved in patient care or cleaning and disinfection procedures.
Evans Surface Disinfectants
For areas where a chlorine based disinfectant is not suitable:
Surface Disinfectant |
Dilution Rate | Contact Time |
Safe Zone Plus | Ready to use formulation | 5 Minutes |
EC4 Sanitiser | 10 ml per 600 ml diluted solution (1:60) | 1 Minute |
EC9 Washroom | 10 ml per 600 ml diluted solution (1:60) | 1 Minute |
Est-eem | 50 ml per 750 ml diluted solution (1:15) | 1 Minute |
Est-eem RTU | Ready to use formulation | 1 Minute |
Protect | 50 ml per 750 ml diluted solution (1:15) | 1 Minute |
Protect RTU | Ready to use formulation | 1 Minute |
Vanoquat | 200 ml per 5 L water (1:25) | 5 Minutes |
Peroxy Disinfectant | 50 g per 5 L (1:100) | 5 Minutes |
The below products will give 1,000 ppm available chlorine:
Chlorine Based Disinfectant | To Achieve 1,000ppm | Contact Time |
Evans Chlor Tabs | 1 tablet per 1 L water | 5 Minutes |
Evans Chlor Liquid | 20ml per 1 L water | 5 Minutes |
Cyclone | 20ml per 1 L water | 5 Minutes |
Cyclone Spray | Ready to use formulation | 5 Minutes |
A pass at EN 14476 against vaccinia virus allows a claim for effectiveness against Coronavirus (COVID-19). Products listed here must be used at the recommended dilution rate and contact time to be effective.
Virucidal products should only be used where Coronavirus has been present or in high traffic areas and if there are reports in their community. For other areas, general cleaning and disinfection procedures are recommended. Please refer to our dedicated industry brochures for cleaning and disinfecting advice.
View our advice on Application of Disinfectants by Fogging
View our advice on Disinfecting Soft Furnishings
Please also visit our COVID HUB, to find a selection of helpful videos, guides and wallcharts.
Please be advised, if a product you are using is not listed, we would not currently recommend it against Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Evans Hand Hygiene Products
You will find our range of hand soaps available HERE.
Handsan alcohol hand rub should be used if hands are clean.
Please see our latest update regarding global supply and demand for our products HERE.
Disinfection of outside areas/vehicles
For disinfection of large scale outside areas or vehicles where products such as Bleach or QACs would not be appropriate FAM 30 or GPC8 could be used. Appropriate risk assessments and PPE would be required.
These two products from our livestock protection range - FAM 30 and GPC8 have been tested to demonstrate Virucidal activity (EN 14675) at a 1:100 dilution.
Both products have also shown efficacy against an animal coronavirus Porchine Epidemic Diarrhoea (PED) at 1:200. They are used to disinfect livestock housing, vehicles and in foot/wheel baths to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
You will find further guidance on the following government and world organisation websites: