FAM® 30
Multi-Purpose Iodophor Disinfectant
Evans Vanodine has been an international leader in the development and manufacture of disinfectant and hygiene products for livestock protection, animal health and food processing for over 100 years. Our product range includes DEFRA approved, Veterinary Medicine (VMD) and Biocidal (BPR) regulated products.
A rigorous and efficient cleaning, disinfection, and biosecurity programme is essential for the effective elimination of viral, bacterial, and fungal disease-causing microorganisms in poultry.
Our range of cleaning and disinfection products have been formulated specifically to reduce disease-causing microorganisms to safe levels. Low levels of disease will help keep stock healthy, attain lower mortality and higher weights, and reduce the need for expensive disease control measures, such as vaccination and antibiotics.
Aquaculture and fish farming, account for 50% of all seafood consumption. As with all food production, the prevention and control of disease is of paramount importance.
At each stage of production, from the hatchery to the processing plant, a cleaning and disinfection programme is required to maintain the health of the fish and to prevent the transmission of harmful microorganisms. Our scientifically formulated and once patented fish-egg disinfectant, Buffodine, is just one of the products in our range that is specialised for use in aquaculture.
To ensure that pigs are healthy, producers must implement a thorough and controlled cleaning, disinfection, and biosecurity programme. Without a programme, disease can result not only in mortality losses but also losses due to high medication costs and poor feed conversion.
Our range of science-led cleaning and disinfection products have been developed with real world conditions in mind. Producers can be confident that our products are proven to reduce disease-causing microorganisms to safe levels not just in the laboratory, but on the farm as well.