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Dairy Farmer, Chris, recommends Supa-Max

10 March
Chris Holland, a dairy farmer in East Sussex, has been using Evans products for over 25 years and decided to look for an alternative teat disinfectant product. 

He spoke to his Evans distributor who introduced him to our technical sales team who recommended one of our bestselling chlorhexidine / lactic acid teat dip products, Supa-Max.  After consulting with his vet, who confirmed that there should be no concerns over performance, he made the switch to the new product.
Five months on Chris is delighted with Supa-Max and has seen excellent results in terms of teat condition, even seeing an improvement compared to their previous product.

The quality of milk continues to be at a high level with cell count below 100 and bactoscan levels remaining below 20.  They have also found no cases of mastitis since early December. Chris would not hesitate to recommend Supa-Max to anyone wishing to find an alternative teat disinfectant product.

The farm also uses FAM 30 as their main farm disinfectant. Their milk supply contract means that they have to use a Defra authorised disinfectant so FAM 30 meets this requirement and is found to be effective.

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